Month: September 2024

  • The content of the tragedy “Alcestis” by Euripides

    The content of the tragedy “Alcestis” by Euripides

    Of the surviving tragedies of Euripides, the oldest by chronology was the drama “Alcestis” staged in 438 BC. It was staged together with the now lost plays “Cretans”, “Telephus” and “Alkmeon in Psophida”. In that year at the competition tragedians this tetralogy took second place, and the first was taken by none other than Sophocles…

  • Pre-Philosophy: The Nine Lyricists

    Pre-Philosophy: The Nine Lyricists

    After the above-mentioned five semi-mythical characters and poets of the “Cyclic” – follows the epoch of the “sages” (which, by the way, is very funny, because the word “philosopher” means a lover of wisdom, and “sage” therefore stands above “philosopher”). But the same “Cyclic” poets had other lyricist contemporaries, so before I go on to…

  • Pythagoras and the Pythagorean brotherhood

    Pythagoras and the Pythagorean brotherhood

    The cycle “Ancient Philosophy: Formation of the Canon”: Introduction (Thales, Anaximander). First part (Pythagoras) – you are here. Second part (Xenophanes). Third part (Heraclitus). Fourth part (Parmenides). Fifth part (Summary). Now we know that the entire poetic culture, the Greek literary language itself, and with it the richest polities, including Miletus, the main colonial center…

  • The formation of classical theology

    The formation of classical theology

    Pre-Philosophy Cycle: The beginnings of philosophy in India and China. Eastern influence (Phoenician, Egyptian and Babylonian philosophy). Mythological stage (compressed mythology). Heroic stage (compressed stories about heroes). Homeric period, Cyclic poets and Orphism. Context, role of tyrants and kings. Nine Lyrics. Seven Sages. Formation of classical theology – you are here. Pre-philosophy (final paper). The…

  • On frank criticism and anger

    On frank criticism and anger

    The title of this article was chosen for a reason; it is connected with such a scholar of the Epicurean school as Zeno of Sidon (150-75 BC). Who was this Zeno? We know that he was a man of considerable influence, and that it was under his patronage that Epicureanism became the leading doctrine in…

  • Pre-philosophy: the influence of the East

    Pre-philosophy: the influence of the East

    History begins in the East The Greeks themselves believed that philosophy, as well as other varieties of high culture, came from the more ancient and developed Middle East. It was considered very prestigious if you are connected with something more ancient, because as it is known “it was better before”, and veterans should be respected.…

  • The Philosophical School of Miletus

    The Philosophical School of Miletus

    This article is a kind of bridge between the “Prephilosophy” series (the previous article in the cycle) and the “Formation of the Canon” series (the next article). In a way, it touches on both of them. Thales, the first empiricist “To begin philosophy with Thales” has long been a good tradition, and even in antiquity…