The Philosophical School of Miletus

The Philosophical School of Miletus

This article is a kind of bridge between the «Prephilosophy» series (the previous article in the cycle) and the «Formation of the Canon» series (the next article). In a way, it touches on both of…

Against Logic

Against Logic

Researchers of ancient culture widely know that in the Epicurean school of philosophy there is practically no «logic» section. It is replaced by a certain «Canon«, which is a set of recommendations for the proper…

On the Differences in Epicurean and Stoic Ethics

On the Differences in Epicurean and Stoic Ethics

In the course of our ongoing polemic with the «Stoicism and Stoics» group, a crucial question was raised about the difference between philosophical systems in their very essence. After all, from the outside it may…

The scale of the catastrophe for ancient literature

The scale of the catastrophe for ancient literature

Not everything of ancient literature has survived, it is a well-known fact; and even the little that has survived has not always been preserved in its complete form. We know a great many names of…

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