Tag: Epicurus

  • On frank criticism and anger

    On frank criticism and anger

    The title of this article was chosen for a reason; it is connected with such a scholar of the Epicurean school as Zeno of Sidon (150-75 BC). Who was this Zeno? We know that he was a man of considerable influence, and that it was under his patronage that Epicureanism became the leading doctrine in…

  • Against Logic

    Against Logic

    Researchers of ancient culture widely know that in the Epicurean school of philosophy there is practically no “logic” section. It is replaced by a certain “Canon“, which is a set of recommendations for the proper conduct of the conversation, so that no unnecessary difficulties arise (strictly speaking, logic was developed by Epicureans, especially inductive logic…

  • On the Differences in Epicurean and Stoic Ethics

    On the Differences in Epicurean and Stoic Ethics

    In the course of our ongoing polemic with the “Stoicism and Stoics” group, a crucial question was raised about the difference between philosophical systems in their very essence. After all, from the outside it may seem that we are talking about practically the same thing, but described in different words. Russian philological scientists of the…

  • The scale of the catastrophe for ancient literature

    The scale of the catastrophe for ancient literature

    Not everything of ancient literature has survived, it is a well-known fact; and even the little that has survived has not always been preserved in its complete form. We know a great many names of ancient authors from whom we have not a single line; but even of those authors whose works have survived and…