Tag: mythology

  • Pre-Philosophy: The Nine Lyricists

    Pre-Philosophy: The Nine Lyricists

    After the above-mentioned five semi-mythical characters and poets of the “Cyclic” – follows the epoch of the “sages” (which, by the way, is very funny, because the word “philosopher” means a lover of wisdom, and “sage” therefore stands above “philosopher”). But the same “Cyclic” poets had other lyricist contemporaries, so before I go on to…

  • The formation of classical theology

    The formation of classical theology

    Pre-Philosophy Cycle: The beginnings of philosophy in India and China. Eastern influence (Phoenician, Egyptian and Babylonian philosophy). Mythological stage (compressed mythology). Heroic stage (compressed stories about heroes). Homeric period, Cyclic poets and Orphism. Context, role of tyrants and kings. Nine Lyrics. Seven Sages. Formation of classical theology – you are here. Pre-philosophy (final paper). The…