Tag: stoicism

  • Apologia of Socrates (Xenophontes)

    Apologia of Socrates (Xenophontes)

    According to Xenophon’s version, Socrates allegedly behaved honorably and majestically at the trial, and he considered his best defense to be his life up to that point. Socrates was not afraid of punishment, because by that time he had already “considered death to be preferable to life”. He supposedly did not think over his defense…

  • Xenophonte on the “Enlightened Monarch” (Cyropaedia, Hiero, Agesilaus)

    Xenophonte on the “Enlightened Monarch” (Cyropaedia, Hiero, Agesilaus)

    In this paper we will combine reviews of several works by Xenophon because they are all linked by one conceptual theme – the education of the ruler. This theme is presented in three ways. In the historical novel “Cyropaedia” the best example is given, where they show an idealized Persian monarch, his growth from childhood…

  • Xenophonte’s “Symposium”: a review

    Xenophonte’s “Symposium”: a review

    In general, a set of dialogues called “Symposium” is a story about a group of virtuous friends who get into hilarious situations and make vulgar jokes about each other. Behind the jokes, there is sometimes an irony that points to the virtue of each character. But besides the banal self-glorification of Socrates’ friends, we are…

  • A review of Xenophonte’s “Oeconomicus”

    A review of Xenophonte’s “Oeconomicus”

    Considering the book called “Oeconomicus”, we will focus mainly on what interests us in terms of revealing Xenophon’s ethical-political and philosophical outlook, and in addition we will consider a very atypical work “On Income”, but first – “Oeconomicus”. Philosophical elements appear here almost immediately. Speaking by the mouth of Socrates’ disciple Critobulus, we are advised…

  • On frank criticism and anger

    On frank criticism and anger

    The title of this article was chosen for a reason; it is connected with such a scholar of the Epicurean school as Zeno of Sidon (150-75 BC). Who was this Zeno? We know that he was a man of considerable influence, and that it was under his patronage that Epicureanism became the leading doctrine in…

  • Against Logic

    Against Logic

    Researchers of ancient culture widely know that in the Epicurean school of philosophy there is practically no “logic” section. It is replaced by a certain “Canon“, which is a set of recommendations for the proper conduct of the conversation, so that no unnecessary difficulties arise (strictly speaking, logic was developed by Epicureans, especially inductive logic…

  • On the Differences in Epicurean and Stoic Ethics

    On the Differences in Epicurean and Stoic Ethics

    In the course of our ongoing polemic with the “Stoicism and Stoics” group, a crucial question was raised about the difference between philosophical systems in their very essence. After all, from the outside it may seem that we are talking about practically the same thing, but described in different words. Russian philological scientists of the…